Chore Checklist
September 1, 2013 at 6:12 PM

Have you ever wondered "when did I changed the filter in the fridge?"
Have you ever said to yourself "I wish there was a better way to remind me to exercise more often!"
Whether you are a:

person who wants to organize routinely chores/tasks without crowding up busy calendar
parent who wants to get the kids and partner to share responsibilities around the house
caregiver who wants to spend less time trying to figure out what to do
housekeeping service professional who does housework routines for their clients
small business owner who wants to improve efficiency managing their business
Well, here is your answer:

Chore Checklist app!
Chore Checklist helps you manage chores at home or other places. It records the chore’s completion date and automatically calculate next due date based on your preference.

Organize chores/tasks under different routines: daily, weekly, monthly and etc.
It comes with a pre-loaded check list which has "Daily Routine", "Weekly Routine", "Monthly Routine" and etc. You can edit them or add new routine/chores. You can set start/end date, reminder, progress and notes for each chore.
The app also allows you to create multiple lists. So you can have one for home, one for work and etc. Or you can have one for each person in your family.

Automatic progress reset and due date calculation help to ease your mind
The "automatic reset" feature always gives you fresh start of each recurring chores. It resets daily chores after midnight(or any hour you specify in "Settings"). For weekly, monthly or other recurring chores, it resets the progress based on conditions(see "Automatic Reset" section in user guide for more detail).
Syncing/sharing lists between devices and users(Discontinued)
This feature has been discontinued. Please check out our newly redesigned app - "Opus - Task Helper".
You can get this app at the following stores:

Please check the latest release notes here:
You can also find user guide here:
(Images by Stuart Miles, ddpavumba, stockimages, David Castillo Dominici, graur codrin at