My Party Planner
September 1, 2013 at 3:31 PM

Party is fun, but planning a party can be dreadful. My Party Planner takes the stress out of party planning so you can enjoy more at your parties and events.
It has five sections: "TO DO", "Guest", "Menu", "Shopping" and "Budget" in addition to general information.
Key features include:

Organize TO DOs by due date/time
My Party Planner automatically sorts TO DOs by due date/time. It displays how long until event date/time give you a clear idea of scheduling. You can set a task to be done at relative time to the event time(e.g. 3 hours prior to party starting time) or absolute time (e.g. at 4pm).
You can set reminder for one or multiple tasks easily so you don’t forget a thing!
You can also setup helpers and assign tasks to them.

Easy RSVP management
This app allows you to import guests from contacts on your phone. It gives you quick access to call or email your guests.
It also allow you to manage RSVPs. The head count will also be used to calculate the estimate and actual costs.

Plan menu efficiently
You can easily plan menu for your event using this app. It allows you to search recipes on the Internet and save the URL for future reference.
While planning the menu, you can enter to-do and shopping items for a specific dish. So on the to-do list or shopping List, you can see which dish the item is for.
You can also assign dishes to one or more guests for potluck party/event.

Budget calculator helps to estimate costs
It comes with a budget calculator which uses the head count of invited and coming guests to calculate the estimated and actual costs.
You can get this app at the following stores:

You can also find user guide here:
(Images by Stuart Miles, cuteimage, Rosen Georgiev, Arvind Balaraman at