Recent Releases

July 19, 2019 at 4:20 PMAdministrator
Chore Checklist

6/7/2019 - Version 3.3.8

Minor bug fixes in syncing

3/20/2019 - Version 3.3.6

Fix issue with week number being null in monthly chores

2/20/2019 - Version 3.3.5

Fix random notifications showing up for chores with no reminders issue

1/8/2019 - Version 3.3.4

Fix auto sync issue(full version only)

Fix reminder issue

1/7/2019 V3.3.3

Fix issues with reminders. (Please note: Due to the notification changes in Android 8+, you will not be able to assign different ringtones for different chores anymore. The app will use the last ringtone you pick and apply to all reminders.)

9/17/2018 V3.3.2

Fix alarm issue on Android7+

Fix email list issue on Android7+

Add syncing with Google Tasks(beta)

8/16/2018 V3.3.1

Improve "Vacation Mode"

Packing List

3/2/2019 - V4.2.2

Fix auto-sync not showing dialog when opening the app issue

9/19/2018 - V4.2.1

Fix email list issue in Android 7.0+

8/15/2018 - V4.2.0

Add "Invert All"

My Party Planner

4/30/2019 - V2.2.1

Minor bug fix and improvement in Guest View


Add the misc tab for decoration or other items

Allow the user to hide unused tabs

Allow the user to add photos to to-do and shopping items