● How to re-order items in Chore Checklist/Packing List/Grocery Helper apps on Android Device?

July 29, 2013 at 3:04 PMAdministrator

In Chore Checklist, Packing List and Grocery Helper, you can use drag/drop to re-order category and items.

Chore Checklist

First, open Routine View.

To re-order the chores under a routine or move chores across routines, click on "Menu"->"Sort by..."->"Sort Manually" and touch the icon on the left of a chore. Start dragging the chore and drop it to desired place. You may also drag it to another routine.

To re-order the routines, first collapse the list. Click on "Menu"->"Sort by..."->"Sort Manually" and touch the icon on the left of a routine. Start dragging the routine and drop it to desired place.

You can also enable manual sorting permanently by going to “Menu”->”Settings…”->”Settings” and check “Enable Manual Sorting” under “Display and Options” section. That way, you don’t have to switch back and forth. When this option is on, you can re-order routines/chores by touching the very left of a routine/chore and drag/drop it to desired place.

Packing List or Grocery Helper

To re-order the items under a category or move items across categories, click on "Menu"->"Group/Sort by..."->"Sort Manually" and touch the icon on the left of an item. Start dragging the item and drop it to desired place. You may also drag it to another category.

To re-order the categories, first collapse the list. Click on "Menu"->"Group/Sort by..."->"Sort Manually" and touch the icon on the left of a category. Start dragging the category and drop it to desired place.

What's the difference between full version and lite version of Chore Checklist?

July 23, 2013 at 3:10 PMAdministrator

The lite version has Ads

The full version doesn't have Ads and has following features:

  • View, export/email history report

Posted in: Chore Checklist | FAQ

Travel Phrases User Guide(Android)

July 22, 2013 at 3:07 PMAdministrator




User Guide

This user guide is for Travel Phrases – French, but you will find the same features in our other Travel Phrases apps.


To listen to the pronunciation of a phrase, tap the French phrase or the pronunciation part. You will need to have Text-To-Speech English installed and enabled. Pico TTS is a typical TTS engine to install.

Review Mode

After learning the phrases, you may press "Menu"->"Hide English"/"Hide French" to hide the English or French phrases so you can test if you remember its meaning in the other language. Tap the phrase to reveal the answer.

New Category(Full version only)

Press "Menu"->"New Category" to add new categories.

Edit/Delete Category

To edit/delete a category, long press the category and choose "Edit"/"Delete" from the popup menu.

New Phrase

Long press on a category, then choose "New Phrase" from the popup menu to add new phrase.

If you don't have a French keyboard, the app provides a small keyboard for entering special characters in French.

Edit/Delete Phrase

To edit/delete a phrase, long press the phrase and choose "Edit"/"Delete" from the popup menu.


You may sort the phrases alphabetically by press "Menu"-"More"->"Sort Alphabetically". You can also press the space right in front of each phrase, then drag/drop to re-order them.


To find an item, click on "Menu"->"More"->"Search". A text box and "Find Next" button will show up at the bottom of the screen. Enter the word you search for and tap on "Find Next".

Backup and Restore Data

To backup your data, click on "Menu"->"Backup and Restore"->"Backup". Then click on "Backup" to use the default folder or "Select Folder" to choose different location.

To restore your data, click on "Menu"->"Backup and Restore"->"Restore". It will open default backup location. Choose the folder which contains backup files and click on "Restore". If you have chosen different backup location, then navigate to that location and click on "Restore".

You must use "Backup and Restore" feature to recover data if you need to un-install/re-install the app or upgrade from lite to full version.


User can choose not to display the pronunciation or change text size in "Settings". In paid version, user can also customize theme and colors.

Posted in: Travel Phrases | User Guide

● How to transfer existing data to new phone(Android)?

July 16, 2013 at 11:10 AMAdministrator
Chore Checklist 3.0.0+, Packing List 4.0.0+, My Party Planner 2.0.0+

If you are using apps listed above, you need to use the "Backup and Restore" feature to export data from old phone to SD card and then import data from SD card to new phone.

To backup all lists, click on "Menu"->"Backup and Restore"->"Backup". Then click on "Backup" to use the default folder or "Select Folder" to choose different location.

You can then put the SD card in new phone or copy the whole folder to the new SD card in the new phone.

To restore all lists, click on "Menu"->"Backup and Restore"->"Restore". It will open default backup location. you can then navigate to your backup location and click on "Restore".

Chore Checklist (1.0.0-2.3.6), Packing List (1.0.0-3.3.5), My Party Planner (1.0.0-1.2.1), Grocery Helper

Our lists are saved on SD card under application name folder. For example, the lists in Packing List app are saved under \sdcard\packinglist\ folder, lists in Chore Checklist are saved under \sdcard\chorechecklist\ folder and so on.

If you are going to use the same SD card for your new phone, you don't have to do anything. It should automatically load them in after you install the app on your new phone. Be aware some new devices may have more than one external storage. So it may create the application folder on a different SD card. If that happens, just copy the folder from old SD card to the new SD card.

If you are not going to use the same SD card, you need to copy the whole folder from your old device to desktop. Then copy them onto the SD card on your new phone. Please check your phone's user guide for how to transfer files between SD card and desktop.

Posted in: FAQ | General

How to generate new list from existing lists?

July 9, 2013 at 2:30 PMAdministrator

Packing List app comes with pre-loaded master list. You can generate new list from it. Just check the items you want for a trip. Click on "Menu"->"Generate List" and enter the name of the new list.

You may create several master lists for different kind of trips, e.g. camping trip, skiing trip, etc. You can also generate new list from packing list for previous trips.

Posted in: FAQ | Packing List

What's the difference between paid version and lite version of Packing List?

July 9, 2013 at 2:27 PMAdministrator

The lite version has Ads.

The paid version doesn't have Ads and allow user to check weather of the destinations. 

Posted in: FAQ | Packing List

How to add widget for Chore Checklist?

July 9, 2013 at 8:51 AMAdministrator

To add widget, the app must be installed on the phone, not SD card. Go to your phone's Settings->"Applications"->"Manage Applications". Find this app and click on it. Click on "Move to Phone". After this change, you will see Chore Checklist's widget in widget list. The labels maybe a little different from device to device.

In the full version, you can customize the text/background color and text size. However, widget customization causes "Problem Loading Widget" on certain devices. In that case, you will have to disable "Widget Customization" in Settings in order to use widget. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Posted in: Chore Checklist | FAQ

Chore Checklist Release Notes(iPhone/iPad)

June 17, 2013 at 8:29 AMAdministrator

6/17/2013 V1.0.5

Auto-reset daily chores after long idle time

6/14/2013 V1.0.4

Fix daily chores auto-reset issue

5/23/2013 V1.0.3

Minor improvement

3/23/2013 V1.0.2

In “Routine View”, allow user to show chores overdue or due today only

Fix bug with prompting user for password during start

2/15/2013 V1.0.1

Fix bug in chore deletion

What's the difference between paid version and lite version of Travel Phrases?

June 11, 2013 at 2:40 PMAdministrator

The lite version has Ads.

The paid version doesn't have Ads and allow you to add new category.

Posted in: FAQ | Travel Phrases

Packing List User Guide(iPhone & iPad)

May 8, 2013 at 6:57 PMAdministrator

This application helps you to maintain packing lists and organize packing/unpacking process. It not only lets user to create a list from scratch, but also allows users to generate lists from an existing one. This application comes with a pre-loaded packing master list. When creating new list, you can specify departure/return date and destinations. Each packing item has note, quantity, location, luggage and weight fields. They are grouped by categories, but they can be viewed by locations or luggage. Mass change features allow you to edit lists more easily. You may also email and share your lists. Printing out a copy of the lists helps you in case of lost luggage.

Basic Features

Create New List

To create new blank list, click the "Menu"button at the top-left corner of the home screen and then select "New List".

To generate a list from an existing one, open an existing list and click "Menu"->"Mass Change/Generate List". Select items you want for the new list and click "Generate" button.

Delete List

In the "Packing Lists" home screen, tap and press the list until a floating menu pops up. Select "Delete".

Edit List

To edit list header info, long press the list name and click "Edit" from the popup menu. You can enter departure/return date, notes and destinations.

To edit list detail, tap on the list. The screen grouping items by their categories shows. You can then add/edit/delete packing items and categories.

Add New Category

Items in a packing list are organized by categories. In category view, click the "Menu" button at the top-right corner and then select "New Category" to add new category.

Edit/Delete Category

Tap and press the category until a floating menu pops up. Select "Edit" or "Delete".

Add New Item

  • Tap and press the category until a floating menu pops up. Select "new item".
  • Tap and press any item in the category until a floating menu pops up. Select "new item".

Edit/Delete Item

Tap and press the item until a floating menu pops up. Select "Edit" or "Delete".

Add Items From One List To Other Lists

From the "Packing Lists" home screen, open the original list. Click the "Menu" button at the top-right corner and then select "Mass Change/Generate List". In the "Mass Change" screen, select the packing items you want to include and click the "Add to" button at the bottom tool bar. A screen asking you to select target lists will pop up. 

Search Items

To find specific items, you can type in the name of the items in the search box. The list will filter items as you enter the search criteria.

Sort Categories/Items

In the screen grouping items by their categories, click the "Menu" button at the top-right corner and then select "Sort ...".

Advanced features(In-App purchase)
The optional paid "Packing List Advanced Feature" includes:
Group by Location/Luggage

To group items by location, open a list and click the "Menu"->"Group by ..."->"Group By Location".

To group items by luggage, open a list and click the "Menu"->"Group by ..."->"Group By Luggage". 

List Sharing

List Sharing allows you to share your list through email, text message and other social media. In the "Packing Lists" home scree, tap and press the list until a floating menu pops up. Select "Share".

Cloud Related Features(In-App purchase)
"Packing List Cloud Connector" is an optional paid feature. With the feature, you can edit lists using our free online editor from any devices such as desktops and laptops; upload, download, synchronize and operate on the same list from multiple devices; backup lists to our cloud server.
Upload, Download And Sync List With Cloud

In the "Packing Lists" home scree, click "Menu" button on the top left corner and select "Manage Cloud".

Or in the "Packing Lists" home scree, tap and press the list until a floating menu pops up. Select "Sync". On iPhone/iTouch, you need to click the right arrow in the floating menu to scroll to the "Sync" button."

Edit Lists Online

Open a browser and navigate to http://www.dotnetideas.com. Click the login button on the top right corner. After logging in, a web page will display your lists stored in our cloud server. Click the edit button to start editing.

Posted in: Packing List | User Guide