Chore Checklist User Guide(iPhone & iPad)

May 1, 2013 at 6:52 PMAdministrator

Chore Checklist helps you to manage multiple lists of chores at home or other places. It records chores' completion date and calculate next due date based on your preference. You can also set a reminder for each chore. It comes with a pre-loaded check list which has routines, such as "Daily Routine", "Weekly Routine", "Monthly Routine" and etc. You may edit them or add new routine/chores. Chore Checklist offers following two optional paid modules:

  • Chore Checklist cloud connector (US$4.99) To purchase the feature, click the menu button in the top navigation bar, select "cloud" and then select "Manage Cloud"
    1. Edit lists using web browsers on any devices such as desktops and latoptops. Notice, you can still create and edit multiple lists from within the free version of the application. However, the web interface provides more efficient editing experience.
    2. Sync and operate on the same list from multiple devices.
    3. Backup lists on our cloud server.
  • Chore Checklist advanced features.(US$1.99) To purchase the feature,click the menu button in the top navigation bar and then select "Due Date View" menu.
    1. Schedule chores based on day patterns. For example, you can schedule a chore to occur at every Monday and Friday.
    2. Aggregate chores from multiple lists in one screen and display them in the order of their due dates.
How to
  • Add/Rename/Delete a list

    In "Routine" view, click the menu button in the top navigation bar. Select "Manage Lists". You can rename or delete the current list or add a new list. Click "switch list" to select another list as the current list.

  • Add a Routine

    Click on "+ Routine" button on the right of the navigation bar. You can enter frequency which is how often you want to do the chores under this routine. For example, you can set the routine as every 2 days, every 2 weeks, every 3 months and etc.

  • Edit a Routine

    Click the edit image button at the very right of the routine's row.

  • Delete a Routine

    Press and hold on the routine's name then select "Delete" from pop-up menu.

  • Add a Chore

    Press and hold on the chore's name of a routine and then select "+ Chore" from pop-up menu.

  • Edit a Chore

    Click the chore's name or the "edit" image button of the chore. You can edit its name, notes, progress and etc.If you enter notes for the chore, the list view will display the notes in the chore's row.If its progress is set, the list view will display the percentage of the progress in the chore's row.

  • Delete a Chore

    Press and hold on the chore's name then select "Delete" from pop-up menu.

  • Complete/Skip a Chore

    When check off a daily chore, the completion date will be set to today. When check off non-daily chore, a date selection window will pop up for you to enter its completion date.If a chore has passed its due date, you can choose to skip the chore instead of completing it. Tap and hold on the chore's name and then select "Skip" from popup menu. It will re-calculate the next due date without changing the completion date.

  • Day Patterns for a Chore

    For chores under daily routine, you can set which days of week the chores need to be done. For example, you can choose only the weekdays or weekends, etc.The day pattern will be displayed on the list view when it is set.

  • Set Reminder for Chores

    For chores under daily routine, you can set the reminder to a specific time of a day. It will automatically repeat daily. For other routines, the reminder will be set relative to the due date or a specific time on the due date. It will not repeat until you complete/skip the chore. A clock icon will show in front of a chore's name when a chore has reminder set up.

  • Re-Order Chores/Routines of a list

    Press and hold on the list's name in the navigation bar and then select "Sort" from popup menu. To sort routines, click the "sort routines" button at the left of the navigation bar.

  • Automatic Reset

    Daily routine will be reset daily. That is if you checked some items today, they will be unchecked tomorrow automatically. Other routines' checkboxes will be unchecked at the half way towards the next due date.

Chore Checklist User Guide(Window 8)

April 14, 2013 at 9:22 PMAdministrator


Chore_Checklist helps you manage multiple lists of chores at home or other places. It records chores' completion date and calculate next due date based on your preference. You can also set a reminder for each chore. It comes with a pre-loaded check list which has routines, such as "Daily Routine", "Weekly Routine", "Monthly Routine" and etc. You may edit them or add new routine/chores. Chore_Checklist supports the Search and Share charms. Additionally, it offers following two optional paid modules:

Chore_Checklist cloud connector(US$4.99, To purchase it, navigate to the "Cloud" view through the top navigation)

  1. Sync and operate on the same list from multiple devices of various types including iPhone, Android device, Window phone 7 and windows 8 devices.
  2. Backup lists on our cloud server.
  3. Edit lists using web browsers on any devices such as desktops and laptops.


Chore_Checklist advanced features(US$4.99,To purchase it, navigate to the "To Do" view through the top navigation)

  1. Schedule chores based on day patterns. For example, you can schedule a chore to occur at every Monday and Friday.
  2. Use "To Do View" to aggregate unchecked chores from multiple lists in one screen and display them in the order of their due dates.
  3. Use "Due Date View" to aggregate chores from multiple lists in one screen and display them in the order of their due dates.
  4. Use "Reminder View" to aggregate chores with active reminders from multiple lists in one screen and display them in the order of their due dates.

The application is organized in multiple pages and each page offers a unique view. The free version of the application offers "routine view". With purchasing "chore_Checklist advanced features", two additional views, "due data" and "reminder", are available. "Chore_Checklist clouds" adds a "Cloud" view. The content of the following "how-to" section are context sensitive to the current active view. To see the features of a view, navigate to the view using the button in the top navigation bar and open the help link.


Routine View

In Routine View, You create and edit various level of contents including lists, routines and chores. Mass chore operations allow you to check/uncheck/skip/delete chores in batch.

Add/Edit/Delete Lists

Click the manage lists button at the bottom application bar. Select the button accordingly.

Add a Routine

Click the add routine button at the bottom application bar. You can enter frequency which is how often you want to do the chores under this routine. For example, you can set the routine as every 2 days, every 2 weeks, every 3 months and etc.

Edit a Routine

Click the name of the routine to select the routine. After selecting the routine, the edit routine button will appear in the bottom application bar. Click the button.

Delete a Routine

Click the name of the routine to select the routine. After selecting the routine, the delete routine button will appear in the bottom application bar. Click the button.

Move a Routine to left or right

Click the name of the routine to select the routine. After selecting the routine, the Move routine button will appear in the bottom application bar. Click the button.

Add a Chore to a routine

Click the name of the routine to select the routine. After selecting the routine, the add chore button will appear in the bottom application bar. Click the button.

Edit a Chore

Click or tap on the chore's box to select the chore. After selecting the chore, edit chore button will appear in the bottom application bar. Click the button. You can edit its name, notes, progress and etc. If its progress is set, the list view will display the percentage of the progress in the chore’s row.

Delete a Chore

Click or tap on the chore's box to select the chore. After selecting the chore, the delete chore button will appear in the bottom application bar. Click the button.

Complete(Check)/Skip a Chore

To check off a daily chore, click or tap the check box of the chore. When check off a daily chore, the completion date will be set to today. When check off non-daily chore, a date selection window will pop up for you to enter its completion date. If a chore has passed its due date, you can choose to skip the chore instead of completing it. To skip a shore, You need to select the chore first and then click the skip chore button in the bottom application bar. After selecting to skip a chore, the system will re-calculate the next due date without changing the completion date.

Uncheck a Completed Chore

To uncheck chore, click or tap the check box of the completed chore.

Move a Chore up or down

Click or tap on the chore's box to select the chore. After selecting the chore, the Move chore buttons will appear in the bottom application bar. Click the buttons.

Move chores to a routine

Use right click or Swipe to select to select one or more chores. After selecting chores, the To routine buttons will appear in the bottom application bar. Click the buttons.

Day Patterns for a Chore

For chores under daily routine, you can set which days of week the chores need to be done. For example, you can choose only the weekdays or weekends, etc.The day pattern will be displayed on the list view when it is set.

Set Reminders for Chores

For chores under daily routine, you can set the reminder to a specific time of a day. It will automatically repeat daily. For other routines, the reminder will be set relative to the due date or a specific time on the due date. It will not repeat until you complete/skip the chore. A clock icon will show in front of a chore’s name when a chore has reminder set up.

Automatic Reset

Daily routines will be reset daily. That is if you checked some items today, they will be unchecked tomorrow automatically. Other routines will be unchecked at the half way towards their next due date.

Mass Chore Operations (check/uncheck/skip/delete)

Use right click or Swipe to select to select multiple chores. The bottom application bar will show the applicable buttons according to the selections. For example, if the selections include completed chores, uncheck button will appear.

To Do View

To Do View groups incomplete chores by their due dates from multiple lists. In this View, You can check/uncheck/skip chores. Mass chore operations allow you to check/uncheck/skip chores in batch. You can edit but not delete or add chores.

Include/Exclude lists in To Do View

Click the Select Lists button to include/exclude lists from the view.

Edit a Chore

Click or tap on the chore's box to select the chore. After selecting the chore, edit chore button will appear in the bottom application bar. Click the button. You can edit its name, notes, progress and etc. If its progress is set, the list view will display the percentage of the progress in the chore’s row.

Complete(Check)/Skip a Chore

To check off a daily chore, click or tap the check box of the chore. When check off a daily chore, the completion date will be set to today. When check off non-daily chore, a date selection window will pop up for you to enter its completion date. If a chore has passed its due date, you can choose to skip the chore instead of completing it. To skip a shore, You need to select the chore first and then click the skip chore button in the bottom application bar. After selecting to skip a chore, the system will re-calculate the next due date without changing the completion date.

Uncheck a Completed Chore

To uncheck chore, click or tap the check box of the completed chore.

Mass Chore Operations (check/uncheck/skip/delete)

Use right click or Swipe to select to select multiple chores. The bottom application bar will show the applicable buttons according to the selections. For example, if the selections include completed chores, uncheck button will appear.

Refresh Groups

By design, the view won't regroup chores according to their new due dates after various operations. Click the Refresh Group button to regroup chores according to their new due dates.

Due Date View

Due Date View groups chores by their due dates from multiple lists. In this View, You can check/uncheck/skip chores. Mass chore operations allow you to check/uncheck/skip chores in batch. You can edit but not delete or add chores.

Include/Exclude lists in Due Date View

Click the Select Lists button to include/exclude lists from the view.

Edit a Chore

Click or tap on the chore's box to select the chore. After selecting the chore, edit chore button will appear in the bottom application bar. Click the button. You can edit its name, notes, progress and etc. If its progress is set, the list view will display the percentage of the progress in the chore’s row.

Complete(Check)/Skip a Chore

To check off a daily chore, click or tap the check box of the chore. When check off a daily chore, the completion date will be set to today. When check off non-daily chore, a date selection window will pop up for you to enter its completion date. If a chore has passed its due date, you can choose to skip the chore instead of completing it. To skip a shore, You need to select the chore first and then click the skip chore button in the bottom application bar. After selecting to skip a chore, the system will re-calculate the next due date without changing the completion date.

Uncheck a Completed Chore

To uncheck chore, click or tap the check box of the completed chore.

Mass Chore Operations (check/uncheck/skip/delete)

Use right click or Swipe to select to select multiple chores. The bottom application bar will show the applicable buttons according to the selections. For example, if the selections include completed chores, uncheck button will appear.

Refresh Groups

By design, the view won't regroup chores according to their new due dates after various operations. Click the Refresh Group button to regroup chores according to their new due dates.

Reminder View

As Due Date View, Reminder View groups chores by their due dates from multiple lists. Clicking a Chore's toast notification will enter this view and has the chore selected automatically. Different from Due Date View, Reminder view includes Chores with reminder enabled. In this View, You can check/uncheck/skip chores. Mass chore operations allow you to check/uncheck/skip chores in batch. You can edit but not delete or add chores.

Include/Exclude lists in Reminder View

Click the Select Lists button to include/exclude lists from the view.

Edit a Chore

Click or tap on the chore's box to select the chore. After selecting the chore, edit chore button will appear in the bottom application bar. Click the button. You can edit its name, notes, progress and etc. If its progress is set, the list view will display the percentage of the progress in the chore’s row.

Complete(Check)/Skip a Chore

To check off a daily chore, click or tap the check box of the chore. When check off a daily chore, the completion date will be set to today. When check off non-daily chore, a date selection window will pop up for you to enter its completion date. If a chore has passed its due date, you can choose to skip the chore instead of completing it. To skip a shore, You need to select the chore first and then click the skip chore button in the bottom application bar. After selecting to skip a chore, the system will re-calculate the next due date without changing the completion date.

Uncheck a Completed Chore

To uncheck chore, click or tap the check box of the completed chore.

Mass Chore Operations (check/uncheck/skip/delete)

Use right click or Swipe to select to select multiple chores. The bottom application bar will show the applicable buttons according to the selections. For example, if the selections include completed chores, uncheck button will appear.

Refresh Groups

By design, the view won't regroup chores according to their new due dates after various operations. Click the Refresh Group button to regroup chores according to their new due dates.

Cloud View

In Cloud View, you can download/upload lists from cloud server. After uploading/downloading, you can sync lists. Deleting list is not allowed. To delete a local list, go to Routine View. To delete a list in cloud server, go to The view does not provide any Mass Operation.

Log in

Click the Login Cloud button to start the log in process. Before logging in, go to to register.

Upload a local list to the cloud server

Click the name of the list.

Download a list from the cloud server

Click the name of the list.

Synchronize a list between its local and cloud copy

Click the name of the list. The application will merge and resolve conflicts automatically if multiple users share a same list from different devices.

How to in Search Result View

As Due Date View, Search Result View groups chores return from searching by their due dates. In this View, You can check/uncheck/skip chores. Mass chore operations allow you to check/uncheck/skip chores in batch. You can edit but not delete or add chores.

Include/Exclude lists in Reminder View

Click the Select Lists button to include/exclude lists from the view.

Edit a Chore

Click or tap on the chore's box to select the chore. After selecting the chore, edit chore button will appear in the bottom application bar. Click the button. You can edit its name, notes, progress and etc. If its progress is set, the list view will display the percentage of the progress in the chore’s row.

Complete(Check)/Skip a Chore

To check off a daily chore, click or tap the check box of the chore. When check off a daily chore, the completion date will be set to today. When check off non-daily chore, a date selection window will pop up for you to enter its completion date. If a chore has passed its due date, you can choose to skip the chore instead of completing it. To skip a shore, You need to select the chore first and then click the skip chore button in the bottom application bar. After selecting to skip a chore, the system will re-calculate the next due date without changing the completion date.

Uncheck a Completed Chore

To uncheck chore, click or tap the check box of the completed chore.

Mass Chore Operations (check/uncheck/skip/delete)

Use right click or Swipe to select to select multiple chores. The bottom application bar will show the applicable buttons according to the selections. For example, if the selections include completed chores, uncheck button will appear.

Refresh Groups

By design, the view won't regroup chores according to their new due dates after various operations. Click the Refresh Group button to regroup chores according to their new due dates.

Travel Phrases

April 2, 2013 at 3:46 PMAdministrator

TravelPhrase_114Travel Phrase – French and Travel Phrases – Italian help you to learn and practice basic survival phrase for travel. Not only it has more than 120 useful phrases, but it also allows you to edit and add your own. It uses Text-To-Speech technology to provide pronunciation for each phrase. To help you review the phrases, you may choose to hide the phrases in one language, then try to remember the phrase in the other language. The paid version app doesn't require internet connection and can be used offline.

Travel Phrases - French

Get it on Google Play Available on Amazon App Store

Travel Phrases – Italian

Get it on Google Play Available on Amazon App Store

You can find user guide here:

Travel Phrases - French User Guide

Posted in: Travel Phrases

Grocery Helper Release Notes(Android)

February 12, 2013 at 10:40 AMAdministrator

12/5/2014 - V1.3.1

  • Fix "Force close" issue when click on category or item
  • Add mass change category
  • Other minor improvement

6/26/2014 - V1.3.0

  • Fix bug with saving metadata from main menu view
  • Use expandable panel when checking off items and edit inventory(Users can switch back in "Settings" if they prefer old popup dialog)
  • Allow user to check low stock items at once
  • Allow user to open shopping list grouped items by stores as default setting
  • Other improvement and bug fixes

4/15/2014 - Version 1.2.2

  • Fix bug in syncing multiple lists(full version)
  • Other minor improvement

3/11/2014 - V 1.2.1

  • Fix "Force Close" issue with checking off items in Group by Store/Location mode

2/17/2014 - V 1.2.0

  • Separate drag/drop re-ordering to its own mode. It is under "Sort Manually" now
  • Recompile for latest Android OS
  • Allow user to choose dark or light theme(Android 3.0+ and full version only)
  • Other bug fixes

02/12/2013 - Version 1.1.5

  • Fix unit disappearing issue when click on inventory level to edit quantity

02/08/2013 - Version 1.1.4

  • Fix "Force Close" bug when notes has apostrophe in it
  • Remove Network access from full version
  • Fix price display issue

05/08/2012 - Version 1.1.3

  • Fix "Force Close" bug when check off items in group by store/location
  • Fix list renaming issue

02/08/2012 - Version 1.1.2

  • Fix pre-loaded lists not loading issue. (If you have installed previous version, you may go to "Settings..."->"Recover Master List" to load pre-populated system lists.)
  • Other minor bug fixes

12/27/2011 - Version 1.1.1

  • Minor bug fixes

12/14/2011 V1.1.0:

  • Fix store display issue when sending shopping list
  • Allow sending list as text message
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvement

Full version only. Separate purchase of GroceryHelperSyncProvider is required

  • Sync and backup lists to server
  • Share lists between users

10/12/2011 V1.0.1:

  • Fix "Force Close" and other minor bugs

9/21/2011 V1.0.0:

  • First release

Welcome to DotNetIdeas' blog

January 1, 2013 at 1:22 PMAdministrator


Welcome to DotNetIdeas. We specialize in making mobile applications for Android, iPhone/iPad and Windows platforms. Our products include: Chore Checklist, Packing List, Grocery Helper, My Party Planner, Baking Planner and etc.

Chore ChecklistPacking ListGrocery HelperMy Party PlannerimageTravel Phrase

Chore Checklist, Packing List and Grocery Helper are cloud enabled apps. When you use these apps along with cloud connector/sync provider, you can sync/share lists between users and devices using our cloud services. We also provide FREE online editor for easy list editing.

To start using our cloud service today, sign up from the app or here online. Just a few clicks away, you will be ready to go. You can find our Privacy Policy here.


You can get our apps at the following places. Please note not all the apps are available on all platforms.

Google PlayAmazon App StoreiTune Store

new-iconCheck out DotNetIdeas' Blog for latest update on User Guide, Release Notes, FAQ, Tips and Tricks.

(Image courtesy of nokhoog_buchachon/

Posted in: General

Chore Checklist User Guide(Windows Phone 7)

February 1, 2012 at 8:06 PMAdministrator


Chore Checklist helps you to manage chores at home or other places.  It records chores' completion date and calculate next due date based on your preference. You can also set reminder for each chore. It comes with a pre-loaded check list which has routines,  such as "Daily Routine", "Weekly Routine", "Monthly Routine" and etc. You may edit them or add new routine/chores.  

Version 2.0 and later is cloud enabled. The cloud can serve as the backup storage. 
More importantly, multiple users can collaborate on a same chore list instance from their phones or laptops/desktops. Users can edit chore lists through web browsers on laptops/desktops, which is much more convenient than editing lists on phone.  
In Version 2.0 or later, users can manage multiple chore lists on a single phone/device. There are three new views introduced. "By Due Date" and "By Location" are views  aggregating chores from multiple lists. "Lists & Cloud" view is designed to collaborate lists between local devices and Cloud.  

Create/Edit a Chore List

"By Routine" view is designed to create/edit chore lists. Even though, "By Routine" view supports check/uncheck/skip chores, "By Duedate" and "By Location" views are prefered over "By Routine" view to perform these activities. Click the "question mark" buttons at the bottom of  views' pages for detailed instructions. 

Check/Uncheck/Skip Chores

"By Duedate" and "By Location" are views aggregating from multiple lists. You can work on your chores based on their due dates or locations. Click the "question mark" buttons at the bottom of these views' pages for its detailed instruction. 

Cloud and Local Device Collaboration

"Lists & cloud" view allows you to download lists from cloud, upload lists to cloud and merge content between devices and cloud. Click the "question mark" button at the bottom of this view's page for its detailed instruction. 

Share a list with a friend so he/she can collaborate on the list

Click the "cloud" button in the "By Routine" view and log in if necessary. Select the "Share with a friend" option and then enter the email of your friend. (If there is no "Share with a friend" option, click "Sync/Upload with/to Cloud" to upload the list to cloud first.) You friend will receive an email notification with the instruction on how to share the list.

Packing List User Guide(Windows Phone 7)

January 8, 2012 at 8:18 PMAdministrator

Packing List helps you to create and maintain packing lists.  It not only lets user to create a list from scratch but also allows you to generate lists from an existing one.  This application comes with a pre-loaded packing master list. You can simply check the items on the master list and then click on the “Generate List” menu item and you will have a packing list ready in no time. 

Items are grouped in categories. Each item has a quantity, a location and  a luggage attribute. The mass change feature allows you to update lists more easily. 

There are three views, "All Items", "Unchecked Items" and "Lists & Cloud".  Use "All Items" view to edit the contents of lists; "Unchecked Items" view is more convenient for checking items; "Lists & Cloud" view is designed to collaborate lists between local devices and Cloud.  

Expand Menu

Clicking the "..." at right-bottom corner will display the list of Menu options.

Create an New List directly on Mobile Device

To create a new blank list, select the "New List” menu item and enter the name
of the list. 
To generate a list from an existing one, open the existing list, check the items you want and select the "Generate List" menu item. 
If you want to duplicate a list, select the "Check All" menu item to select all the items and then select the "Generate List" menu item. 

Switch to a different list

You can maintain multiple lists with the application. To switch to a different list, tap on the name of the list. The screen with the names of all the lists opens. Tapping one of the lists will with to the list.

Delete/Rename a List

Switch to the list and the select the "Delete list"/"Rename list" menu item.

Add Items to an existing list

Check the items to add. Select the "add items to existing list" menu item and
then select the target list to add.

Create/Edit a List on desktop and download it to your Mobile Device 

Step 1:  On a desktop or tablet, start a web browser and go to and register with your email address. After logging in to with your email, select the "packing list editor" on the left menu to start editing an new packing list. After finishing editing, click the "save list" button, enter the name of the list and then click the "OK" button. 

Step 2: On your mobile device, swipe and go to the "Lists & Cloud" view. Log in to Cloud if you have not done so. Locate the list you just created in the "List(s) in Cloud only" category and then click the download button. If there is already a list with the same name on your local device,  the name will appears in the "List(s) in Device & Cloud" category.   

From this point on, you can edit the list either on your device or in a web browser. You can synchroize the changes to the list between your device and the cloud server.

Share a list with a friend so he/she can collaborate on the list

Select the "cloud" button or menu item and log in if necessary. Select the "Share with a friend" option and then enter the email of your friend.  (If there is no "Share with a friend" option, click "Sync/Upload with/to Cloud" to upload the list to cloud first.) You friend will receive an email notification with the instruction on how to share the list.

Posted in: Packing List | User Guide

Welcome to DotNetIdeas' blog

January 1, 2012 at 11:59 PMAdministrator

Welcome to DotNetIdeas' blog!

In this blog, you will find more updated information about our applications. 

Please feel free to contact us with any question and feedback. Thank you.



Posted in: General


January 1, 2011 at 2:39 PMAdministrator

[No Text]

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Video Scribbler User Guide

January 2, 2010 at 9:33 AMAdministrator

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